Lake Stevens Proud Boy Identified as Alex Dickson
Alex has been identified as number 21 from the now infamous group pic taken at Razzals Bar in Lake Stevens Washington.
Dickson’s public Facebook shows His Proud Boy allegiance confirmed as far back as May of 2019. Alex expresses standard Proud Boy murder fantasies. He shows support for Augusto Pinochet the former president of Chile known for operating death squads and throwing political opposition from helicopters as well as advocating for death squads here in the United States.
Alex has his Facebook fairly locked down but his wife did not. Through her account we can see that Alex lives in Mountlake Terrace and attends A New Day Church in Lakewood. Do his fellow parishioners know that they’re having worship service with a member of a neo-fascist, misogynistic hate group?
Since the release of this picture several members seen in the group photo gave been identified and can be found here:
If you have information regarding these or other Proud Boys or members of hate groups contact us. Anonymity is GUARANTEED.
FirePhoenix161 –