Lake Stevens Proud Boy Identified as Mark Valdez Jr.

Meet Lake Stevens Proud Boy Mark Chakotay Valdez Jr

Valdez is #5 in the now infamous North Sound Proud Boys group picture ​th​​​at has been the subject of such controversy.

In a photo from his public Facebook and Instagram Valdez is seen wearing the same hat as in the North Sound Proud Boys group pic.

According to his public Facebook Mark has lived in Lake Stevens Washington since 2009 and lived in rural Idaho prior to that. Publicly available records indicate that hes still has family in both locations and pictures on the account show a spattering of both locations leading us to believe that communities in both states should be aware of the neo-fascist in their midst.

Standard Proud Boy gun photo. This is a mainstay of any Proud Boy social media account.
For a group that openly hates multiculturalism they frequently use the Greek phrase “Come and take them” which in this case is also redundant.
Proud Boys have not learned to blur their license plates in social media posts which is often their downfall. Valdez is no exception.
No Proud Boy social media would be complete without a cringey profile pic frame showing guns or overtly racist imagery and Valdez is no exception.

Upon release of this picture several members seen in the group photo have already been identified and can be found here:

If you have information regarding these or other Proud Boys or members of hate groups contact us. Anonymity is GUARANTEED.


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